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Donate to HWS!

HWS is fully run off community donations and would like to thank you for all of your support!


There are many different ways to donate to HWS - and some do not cost anything at all!  Every little bit helps HWS continue serve the Hindu community.



Donations provided to HWS during Sunday Pujas or other special events are one of the easiest way to donate to HWS. 

Online Donations​

HWS now accepts online donations, either through text message or on our Online Donations page. 

Kroger's Donations​

Shop for groceries at Krogers? Your Kroger's card can help you donate to HWS.

Amazon Smile

Amazon smile is a simple and free way to donate to HWS.  Amazon will donate 0.5%  your normal Amazon purchases to HWS for free.

Join the 365, 120, or Birthday Club

Join these clubs and receive blessings from Pandit ji

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Become an HWS Member!

HWS offers two types of memberships.  By becoming a member, you become elidgible to participate and vote in general body meetings and yearly elections. 

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