Donate to HWS using Amazon Smile
Amazon has a great community program that allows their customers to select a charity of their choice and automatically donates 0.5% of all purchases back to that charity. There are no changes to your account, no cost to you, your log-in remains the same, and all of your information remains secure! Simply check out each time through!
There are two ways to take advantage of free way to donate to HWS:
The easiest way is to click Amazon Banner below to automatically add HWS as your selected charity.
You will see the confirmation below:

After selecting "Yes, Change my Charity", that is it!
Only purchases made by going to Amazon Smile from the link above, or will provide a donation to HWS. We recommend adding the link above to your bookmarks for all Amazon purchases made in the future. Thank you for donating to HWS!
If the automatic way didn't work, HWS can also be added to Amazon Smile manually:
Go to:
Under the Amazon search bar, change your charity
​3. Under "Pick your own charitable organization", search for "Hindu Worship Society of Houston"
4. Select Hindu Worship Society of Houston Texas
5. Confirm that Hindu Worship Society has been selected.
Only purchases made by going to Amazon Smile: will provide a donation to HWS. We recommend adding the link above to your bookmarks for all Amazon purchases made in the future. Thank you for donating to HWS!